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- Citibank europe plc annual report Kapott kamatok 48,494 ebből bevételek értékpapírokból 8,929 Kapott jutalék- és díjbevételek 15,322 Pénzügyi és befektetési szolgáltatás nettó bevétele 3,567 The Directors present their report and the annual financial statements of Citibank Europe Plc (“the Company” or “CEP”) and the “Group” (CEP and its’ subsidiaries) for the year ended 31 December 2023, which have been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards as adopted by the European Union (IFRS). s6„X HŒüÿ€ ;* Örü:Ç>G û÷ý îÎò 1sâØ>B)’h ¼aâ-¶÷p P €N®æ‰ÕHã¬þ ¨ÿª}þ. Other Documents. (“CEP”) and all Affiliates; "Citi Home State" means each of the United Kingdom in respect of Citibank, N. a. In Romania, Citibank Citibank Europe PLC (CEP) Audit Report INDEPENDENT AUDITOR’S REPORT TO THE DIRECTORS OF CITIBANK EUROPE PLC (continued) Whilst an audit conducted in accordance with ISAs is designed to provide reasonable assurance of identifying material misstatements or omissions it is not guaranteed to do so. (Citi). 64 bln EUR. 2023. Citi, the leading global bank, serves more than 200 million customer accounts and does business in more than 160 countries and jurisdictions. The CUKL Pillar 3 disclosures are prepared on Citi's 2021 Form 10-K filed with the SEC, as well as other annual and quarterly reports, are available from Citi Document Services toll free at 877 936 2737 (outside the United States at 716 730 8055), by e-mailing a request to docserve@citi. As a core subsidiary of the Citigroup Inc. Across the Group, various countries Treasury and Trade Solutions citi. Document 2023_Annual_Report_of_Citibank_Europe_plc_ENG_split_133. 9 1 Introduction 1. Free and open company data on Ireland company CITIBANK EUROPE PUBLIC LIMITED COMPANY (company number 132781), 1 NORTH WALL QUAY, DUBLIN 1. Ultimately owned by Citigroup Inc. Principal accounting policies (continued) q) Income Taxes (continued) A current tax provision is recognised when it is considered probable that the outcome of a review by a tax authority of an uncertain tax position will alter the amount of cash tax due to, or from, a tax authority in the future. Principal accounting policies (continued) j) Impairment of financial assets The IFRS 9 impairment standard applies to any debt instruments measured at amortised cost or at fair value through other comprehensive income and also to off balance sheet loan commitments and financial guarantees, including: • Investments in debt instruments measured at amortised cost. Report of the Directors 3 . Leases (continued) Lease liabilities Maturity analysis Expiring: - within one year - between one CITIBANK EUROPE PLC IGAZGATÓSÁGI JELENTÉS A 2023. Principal Activities CITIBANK EUROPE PLC 4 DIRECTORS’ REPORT For the year ended 31 December 2020 The Directors present their report and the annual financial statements of Citibank Europe plc (“the Company” or “CEP”) for the year ended 31 December 2020, which have been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards as CITIBANK EUROPE PLC (Registered Number: 132781) ANNUAL REPORT AND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS For the year ended 31 December 2015. 2020 Annual Report of Citibank Europe plc. Document 2023_Annual_Report_of_Citibank_Europe_plc_ENG_split_136. Principal accounting policies (continued) v) Accounting for government grants The Group recognises income from government grants when there is reasonable assurance that it will receive the grant and will comply with the conditions attached to the grant. pdf, Subject Finance, from Delhi Public School - Durg, Length: 1 pages, Preview: CITIBANK EUROPE PLC 2018 annual report 5 member ndic (dis) annual general meeting notice notice is hereby given that the thirty fourth annual general meeting of the members of citibank nigeria limited will be held at charles s. december 31-én zárult üzleti év vonatkozásában ezúton ismerteti Jelentését, valamint a Citibank Europe Plc (a „Társaság” vagy „CEP”) és „Csoport” (CEP és leányvállalatai) éves pénzügyi kimutatásait, CITIBANK EUROPE PLC 3 REPORT OF THE DIRECTORS The Directors present their report and the financial statements of Citibank Europe plc (“the Company”) for the year ended 31 December 2010. Tax number: 22574361-2-44 1 COMPANY DETAILS 3 GWh - 5 GWh 2 ELECTRICITY 0 - 100 000 m3 3 NATURAL GAS 0 - 3 400 GJ 4 DISTRICT HEATING 5 DISTRIBUTION OF ENERGY 6 MAIN ENERGY USAGE 1. 3 DIRECTORS’ REPORT . Business environment The Group is the main vehicle for Citigroup’s Western Europe direct custody and clearing and local cash . Citibank Europe PLC Assigned 'A+/A-1' Ratings; Outlook Stable. Annual Report 2023 3rd Quarterly Report 2023 Half Yearly Report 2023 Citibank Europe plc is a credit institution authorized and supervised by the Central Bank of Ireland, which operates in Romania through its subsidiary Citibank Europe plc, Dublin - Romania Branch. Magyarországi Fióktelepe registered in Hungary. 2023 Annual Report Annual report for the year ending 31/12/2023 The visualizations for "Citibank Europe plc, Germany Branch, Frankfurt a. Entity, Citibank Europe Plc . Poland’s economy in 2023 > Organizational structure of the Capital Group of Bank Handlowy w Warszawie S. 5 Contents in shareholder’s equity 12 Cash flow statement 13 Notes to the financial statements 14 Independent auditors’ report 71 . History. december 31-én zárult üzleti évről Jövőbeni fejlemények A Társaság továbbra is figyelemmel kíséri a Covid19-világjárvány miatt alakuló környezetet, a folyamatosan változó európai CITIBANK EUROPE PLC 4 DIRECTORS’ REPORT For the year ended 31 December 2019 The Directors present their report and the annual financial statements of Citibank Europe plc (“the Company” or “CEP”) for the year ended 31 December 2019, which have been prepared in accordance with International Financial ANNUAL REPORT AND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS . Financial assets and liabilities (continued) Determination of fair value For assets and liabilities carried at fair value, the Group measures fair value using the procedures set out below, irrespective of whether the assets and liabilities are measured at fair value as a result of an election. 2023 Annual Report The Directors present their report and the financial statements of Citibank Europe plc (“the Company”) for the year ended 31 December 2009. For a conciliation to ported CITIBANK EUROPE PLC 4 DIRECTORS’ REPORT For the year ended 31 December 2019 The Directors present their report and the annual financial statements of Citibank Europe plc (“the Company” or “CEP”) for the year ended 31 December 2019, which have been prepared in accordance with International Financial CITIBANK EUROPE PLC 4 DIRECTORS’ REPORT For the year ended 31 December 2019 The Directors present their report and the annual financial statements of Citibank Europe plc (“the Company” or “CEP”) for the year ended 31 December 2019, which have been prepared in accordance with International Financial CITIBANK EUROPE PLC REPORT OF THE DIRECTORS The Directors present their report and the financial statements of Citibank Europe pIc ("the Company") for the year ended 31 December 2008. CITIBANK EUROPE PLC 1 CONTENTS CITIBANK EUROPE PLC 6 REPORT OF THE DIRECTORS (continued) Directors, secretary and their interests (continued) The Company forms part of Citigroup Inc. The Group operates a staff share option scheme and, in CITIBANK EUROPE PLC 4 DIRECTORS’ REPORT For the year ended 31 December 2020 The Directors present their report and the annual financial statements of Citibank Europe plc (“the Company” or “CEP”) for the year ended 31 December 2020, which have been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards as Az a határozat született, hogy a továbbiakban a Citibank Europe Plc („CEP”) működik a Citi uniós bankláncának közbenső anyavállalatként, és hogy a Citibank Holdings Ireland Ltd (a továbbiakban: „CHIL”) az IPU-előírásoknak való megfelelés érdekében a továbbiakban nem képezi a holding részét. Introduction ANNUAL REPORT AND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS For the year ended 31 December 2009 . 2 Scope 6 1. , is the parent of Citi’s principal European banking entity, Citibank Europe plc (CEP), together “CEP” unless otherwise specified. Alex McWhorter Citi Country Officer, Citi Ukraine Hear more from Alex and Citi Ukraine colleagues on the impact of the war. Principal Activities Annual report for the year ending 31/12/2023 The visualizations for "Citibank Europe plc, Germany Branch, Frankfurt a. was converted into a branch of Citibank Europe Citibank Europe plc Ireland (CEP Ireland) Citibank N. pdf, Subject Economics, from Delhi Public School - Durg, Length: 1 pages, Preview: CITIBANK EUROPE PLC COUNTRY BY COUNTRY REPORTING Country by Country Reporting (continued) Tax on Citibank Europe plc & Citibank Holdings Ireland Ltd Pillar 3 Disclosures 31 December 2016 . This articulates the amount of risk which the Board is prepared to tolerate in pursuit of its strategy; • Adopting policies that establish Simply put, I could not be prouder to work at Citi. Fióktelepe Headquarter: 1133 Budapest, Váci út 80. Principal Activities 2023 Annual energy consumption report Citibank Europe plc. Principal Activities The Directors present their report and the annual financial statements of Citibank Europe Plc (“the Company” or “CEP”) for the year ended 31 December 2021, which have been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards as adopted by the European Union (IFRS). pdf, Subject Finance, from Delhi Public School - Durg, Length: 1 pages, Preview: CITIBANK EUROPE PLC Document 128_citi2022_Annual_Report_of_Citibank_Europe_plc_ENG. Annual. Reputational Risk (continued) In addition to the above, the second line of defence completes oversight of reputational risk through various activities including, but not limited to: • Challenge the potential reputational risk implications of new, expanded or modified businesses, products or services and strategic initiatives through Document 2023_Annual_Report_of_Citibank_Europe_plc_ENG_split_131. Principal accounting policies (continued) l) Interest Rate Benchmark Reform If the basis for determining the contractual cash flows of a financial asset or financial liability measured at amortised cost changed as a result of interest rate benchmark reform, then the Group updates the effective interest rate of the financial asset or financial liability to reflect the change that is Check NIP, REGON and KRS of the CITIBANK EUROPE PLC (PUBLICZNA SPÓŁKA AKCYJNA) ODDZIAŁ W POLSCE company. Exposures to measures applied in response to the COVID‐19 crisis – 30 June 2021. ("the Company" or "CEP") and the "Group" (CEP and its' subsidiaries) are recognised as being an CITIBANK EUROPE PLC (Registered Number: 132781) ANNUAL REPORT AND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS For the year ended 31 December 2015. The evolution of the total assets of Citibank Europe plc is shown at Chart 1 below. IFRS Document 131_citi2022_Annual_Report_of_Citibank_Europe_plc_ENG. Risk management mission, organisation and governance (continued) Core risk governance process (continued) • Enabling Board review and approval of the Group's risk appetite statement on an annual basis. Bourmicht L Citibank Europe plc is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland. , DUBLIN 1, DUBLIN, D01T8Y1, D01T8Y1 Annual Return Last Made Up Date 2024-03-27. 25. IFRS – CITIBANK EUROPE PLC; Financial statements 2014. Depending on their nature, grants are presented as part of profit or loss under 'Other income'; or alternatively, they 2024. Principal activities and business review The Company, which was granted a banking licence by the Central Bank of Ireland under Section 9 of the Central The Directors present their report and the annual financial statements of Citibank Europe Plc (“the Company” or “CEP”) for the year ended 31 December 2021, which have been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards as adopted by the European Union (IFRS). pdf, Subject Finance, from Delhi Public School - Durg, Length: 1 pages, Preview: CITIBANK EUROPE PLC Document 6_citi2022_Annual_Report_of_Citibank_Europe_plc_ENG. pdf, Subject Finance, from Delhi Public School - Durg, Length: 1 pages, Preview: CITIBANK EUROPE PLC Company Information Citibank Europe Plc, Luxembourg Branch B200204 Address:31, Z. 9 1 Introduction Citibank (Slovakia) a. Principal accounting policies (continued) j) Impairment of financial assets (continued) Changes in the required credit loss allowance, including the impact of movements between Stage 1 and Stage 2, are recorded in the income statement as an adjustment to the allowance for credit losses. IFRS – CITIBANK EUROPE PLC; Financial statements 2015. Rating Report / Tue 17 Sep, 2024. Citi is a leading global financial institution that serves corporate, institutional, public sector, and individual clients, providing them with a wide range of Document 2023_Annual_Report_of_Citibank_Europe_plc_ENG_split_101. , New York, USA. 4. We are assigning our 'A+/A-1' counterparty credit ratings to CEP. pdf, Subject Finance, from Delhi Public School - Durg, Length: 1 pages, Preview: CITIBANK EUROPE PLC DIRECTORS' REPORT For the year ended 31 December 2022 Key Document 49_citi2022_Annual_Report_of_Citibank_Europe_plc_ENG. CITIBANK EUROPE PLC 2 CITIBANK EUROPE PLC 7 REPORT OF THE DIRECTORS (continued) Directors, secretary and their interests (continued) The Company forms part of Citigroup Inc. Principal Activities 2023 Annual Report of Citibank Europe plc. Citibank Europe Plc (CEP) Country-by Country Report 31 December 2020 5 Turnover Number of employees Profit or (loss) before tax Tax (charge)/release on profit or loss Public subsidies received $ 000 $ 000 $ 000 $ 000 AT 4,706,042 7 272,936 (36,428) - Document 147_citi2022_Annual_Report_of_Citibank_Europe_plc_ENG. Pillar 3 Disclosure June 2024 4. Summary. The Merger reserves decrease due to the transfer of BHW from COIC to CEP was $45 million. com or by writing to: 1. For these companies, we are among their most important banks, and we work with them across the globe, making full use of For additional information, see the "Capital Resources" section of Citi's 2013 Annual Report on Form 10-K. 34 mln EUR (2023); Net Income 6. 2 Tangible Book Value (TBV) per sha re is a non-GAAP financial measure. The Group fulfils its duties in this regard as required by local statute. When available, the Group uses quoted market prices from active markets to Citibank Europe PLC (CEP) Audit Report 1. Citibank Europe Plc . From recognition, the current tax provision is then measured at the Learn about CITIBANK EUROPE Plc (Greece) financial performance. , Citi, the leading global bank, serves more than 200 million customer accounts and does business in more than 160 countries and jurisdictions. Principal Activities ANNUAL REPORT AND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS For the year ended 31 December 2010 . Gutiérrez-Orrantia takes on this role in addition to his existing Europe Cluster and Banking Head role Citibank Holdings Ireland Limited (CHIL), which is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Citigroup Inc. IFRS – CITIBANK EUROPE PLC; Financial statements 2016. The Group operates a staff share option scheme and, in 1 Citigroup’s Common Equity Tier 1 Capital Ratio and Supplementary Leverage tio for 2017 and 2016 are non-GAAP financial measures. pdf, Subject Finance, from Delhi Public School - Durg, Length: 1 pages, Preview: CITIBANK EUROPE PLC NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 36. People; Product; Insights; Contact Us. 3. London Branch and Ireland in respect of Citibank Europe plc as relevant according to the Citi entity(ies) party to existing Document 2023_Annual_Report_of_Citibank_Europe_plc_ENG_split_159. ("the Company" or "CEP") and the "Group" (CEP and its' subsidiaries) are recognised as being an integral part of the Citi network, both regionally and globally. Basel III Pillar 3 Disclosures. Citibank Europe plc (Luxembourg Branch), LEI: N1FBEDJ5J41VKZLO2475 . Data is fetched from KRS register. 3 Pillar Governance 6 please refer to CEP’s Annual Pillar 3 disclosures for the year ended 31 December 2018 on the Investor Relations section of Citi’s website. Retirement benefit obligation The Group participates in locally operated defined benefit and defined contribution schemes for its European branches. CITIBANK NIGERIA LIMITED Annual Report DRAFT 31 December 2022. 2 Table of Contents Forward Looking Statements 5 1 Introduction 6 1. pdf, Subject Finance, from Delhi Public School - Durg, Length: 1 pages, Preview: CITIBANK EUROPE PLC Document 2023_Annual_Report_of_Citibank_Europe_plc_ENG_split_209. OÞ ¿æ´Nuo_“¯t¶%Câ5. 1 Background and context This document outlines the Pillar 3 disclosures for Citibank Europe plc (CEP) and Citibank Holding Ireland Citi has been present in Romania since 1996 and provides high-quality financial products and services to local and multinational companies, small and medium-sized enterprises, the public sector and non-profit organizations. 7 responsibilities have been transferred to Citibank Europe plc with its registered seat in the Republic of Ireland which is %PDF-1. CITIBANK EUROPE PLC 1 . pdf, Subject Finance, from Delhi Public School - Durg, Length: 1 pages, Preview: CITIBANK EUROPE PLC NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 14. ATRIUM BUSINESS PARK; 31 Z. > Selected financial data of the Capital Group of Bank Handlowy w Warszawie S. . We use some essential cookies to make our services work. pdf, Subject Finance, from Delhi Public School - Durg, Length: 1 pages, Preview: CITIBANK EUROPE PLC 1. Walker who is in his fifties, was Head of Corporate The Directors present their report and the financial statements of Citibank Europe plc ("the Company") for the year ended 31 December 2013. Principal activities and business review The Company, which was granted a banking licence by the Central Bank of Ireland under Section 9 of the Central Citibank Holdings Ireland Limited (CHIL), which is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Citigroup Inc. Directors and other information 2 . s. pdf, Subject Finance, from Delhi Public School - Durg, Length: 1 pages, Preview: CITIBANK EUROPE PLC Citibank Europe plc Pillar 3 Disclosures 31 December 2014 . 4 INDEPENDENT AUDITOR’S REPORT TO THE MEMBERS OF CITIBANK EUROPECITIBANK EUROPE Citi MSS RTS 27 Report Schema - overview of the structure, format and content of the RTS27 reports on this site Reporting Period : 2020 4th Quarter - October 1, 2020 to December 31, 2020 Citigroup Europe Public Limited Company | N1FBEDJ5J41VKZLO2475 | Liquidity Provider; Reporting Period : 2019 3rd Quarter - July 1, 2019 to September 30, 2019. 56%. Financial Assets - Debt Instruments (continued) Amortised Cost A financial asset-debt instrument shall be classified and subsequently measured at amortised cost (unless designated under FVO) only if both of the following conditions are met: a) Business Model test: citibank europe plc (registered number: 132781) annual report and financial statements for the year ended 31 december 2022. With 200 years of experience Annual Report 2023; Annual Report 2022; Annual Report 2021; Annual Report 2020; Annual Report 2019; Annual Report 2018; Annual Report 2017; Capital adequacy; Auditor; Strategy of the Bank; Current reports; is Citibank Europe Plc, with its registered office in Dublin, Ireland - Citigroup company that holds the group's overseas investments. 2022 Annual Report of Citibank Europe plc. com or by writing to: Citibank Europe plc Pillar 3 Disclosures 31 December 2014 . It can be contacted at 1 North Wall Quay . CRD (Article 89 Insights Bank's results Citibank Europe plc (Citibank Europe plc, organizační složka is a branch of Citibank Europe plc) Bank's results Czech CITIBANK EUROPE PLC CUSTOMER INFORMATION FOR THE PURPOSE OF PROVIDING THE INVESTMENT SERVICES Valid and effective from 1 April 2021 Citibank Europe plc, organizační složka Prague Czech Republic Citibank Europe plc, a company established and existing under the laws of Ireland, with its registered office at North Wall Quay 1, Dublin, Table 70: Directorships held by Citibank Europe plc Board of Directors 31 December 2023 (counted in accordance with Article 91 of Citigroup has made or may make in documents it has filed or may file with the SEC, including Citigroup’s 2023 Annual Report and CEP’s 2023 financial statement. Summary of Principal Adverse Sustainability Impacts (PASI) Statement Report . Europe, Middle East and Africa CEO David Livingstone (center left) and Alex McWhorter (center right) meet with Citi Ukraine Document 14_citi2022_Annual_Report_of_Citibank_Europe_plc_ENG. Citibank Call Report. will CITIBANK EUROPE PLC 4 DIRECTORS’ REPORT For the year ended 31 December 2020 The Directors present their report and the annual financial statements of Citibank Europe plc (“the Company” or “CEP”) for the year ended 31 December 2020, which have been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards as CITIBANK EUROPE PLC REPORT OF THE DIRECTORS The Directors present their report and the financial statements of Citibank Europe plc (“the Company”) for the year ended 31 December 2014. The core activities of the Group comprise of Markets, Services , Banking, Wealth and Personal Banking. View and download LCR Disclosures, FR Y9C filing and Citibank Call Reports. The preparation of financial statements requires the use of judgements, estimates and 2021 Annual energy consumption report Get-Energy Citibank Europe plc Magyarországi Fióktelepe Headquarter: 1133 Budapest, Váci út 80. 2 Scope 9 1. Ireland Proportion of employees receiving bonus Proportion of employees receiving BIK Proportion of employees receiving bonus Proportion of employees receiving BIK 78% Men 98% Men 81% Women 97% Women Full-Time Mean Median-1% 13% Part-Time Mean Median-36% -36% Bonus Pay MeanMedian-83% -23% Citi has had a presence in Norway since 1973. Citibank Europe plc (Luxembourg Branch) (LEI: N1FBEDJ5J41VKZLO2475) considers principal adverse Document 2023_Annual_Report_of_Citibank_Europe_plc_ENG_split_98. 1. Tax number: 22574361-2-44 1 COMPANY DETAILS 3 GWh - 5 GWh 2 ELECTRICITY 0 - 100 000 m3 3 NATURAL GAS 0 - 3 400 GJ 4 DISTRICT HEATING 5 DISTRIBUTION OF ENERGY 6 MAIN ENERGY USAGE ANNUAL REPORT AND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Citibank International Plc) (the Company or CIL) and its subsidiaries (the Group) for the year ended 31 December 2014. Principal Activities CITIBANK EUROPE PLC IGAZGATÓSÁGI JELENTÉS A 2021. Credit Ratings, Research and Analysis for the global capital markets. Principal accounting policies (continued) o) Intangible assets (continued) Computer software Expenditure on internally developed software is recognised as an asset when the Group is able to demonstrate its intention and ability to complete the development and use the software in a manner that will generate future economic benefits, and can reliably measure the costs to Citibank Europe plc, Luxembourg Branch. december 31-én zárult üzleti évről 4 Az Igazgatóság a 2021. 's credit report database the Citibank Europe plc. 365 days. , is the parent of Citi’s principal European banking entity, Citibank Europe Plc (CEP), together “CEP” unless otherwise specified. 2 CITIBANK EUROPE PLC – PILLAR 3 DISCLOSURES DECEMBER 31 2014 TABLE OF CONTENTS 2021 Annual energy consumption report Get-Energy Citibank Europe plc Magyarországi Fióktelepe Headquarter: 1133 Budapest, Váci út 80. A provision is recognised for the amount expected to be paid under a short term cash bonus scheme if the Group has a present legal or Citibank Holdings Ireland Limited (CHIL), which is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Citigroup Inc. A > ANNUAL REPORT AND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS For the year ended 31 December 2013 . Market Risk - Trading book (continued) Risk measurement (continued) The key parameters used to calculate VaR include: • The historical 'look-back' period used to calculate historical volatilities and correlations; • The holding period, i. All rights reserved. Deferred tax (continued) Current tax Citi's 2017 Form 10-K filed with the SEC, as well as other annual and quarterly reports, are available from Citi Document Services toll free at 877 936 2737 (outside the United States at 716 730 8055), by e-mailing a request to docserve@citi. L. The strategic majority shareholder of the bank is Citibank Europe Plc with its registered office in Dublin, Ireland – Citigroup company that holds the group's overseas investments. Use of assumptions and estimates The results of the Group are sensitive to the accounting policies, assumptions and estimates that underlie the preparation of its financial statements. 2 CITIBANK EUROPE PLC & CITIBANK HOLDINGS IRELAND LIMITED – PILLAR 3 DISCLOSURES DECEMBER 31 2016 TABLE OF CONTENTS 2023 Annual energy consumption report Citibank Europe plc. CEP is recognised as being an integral part of the Citi network, both regionally and globally as a Document 56_citi2022_Annual_Report_of_Citibank_Europe_plc_ENG. CEP is recognised as being an integral part of the Citi network, both regionally and globally as a CITIBANK EUROPE PLC, UK BRANCH - Free company information from Companies House including registered office address, filing history, accounts, annual return, officers, charges, business activity. pdf, Subject Finance, from Delhi Public School - Durg, Length: 1 pages, Preview: CITIBANK EUROPE PLC Document 2023_Annual_Report_of_Citibank_Europe_plc_ENG_split_167. The Company’s ultimate parent is Citigroup Inc. The Directors present their report and the annual financial statements of Citibank Europe plc (“the Company” or “CEP”) for the year ended 31 December 2019, which have been prepared in Report on activities. The Group operates a staff share option scheme and, in ANNUAL REPORT AND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS . Basel III Advanced Approaches Disclosures. december 31-én zárult üzleti év vonatkozásában ezúton ismerteti Jelentését, valamint a Citibank Europe plc (a „Társaság” vagy „CEP”) éves pénzügyi kimutatásait, amelyek az Európai Unió által out of Citi affiliates, Citibank Europe Plc UK branch (‘CEP UK’) and CBNA London were transferred to the Company, on the 16 September included in the Citigroup Annual Report, and CUKL’s own 2020 financial statements. Italy (in liquidation) Citigroup Global Markets Europe AG (Germany) Non-EU Branches Citigroup Global Markets Funding Luxembourg SCA (Luxembourg) Israel Citigroup Global Markets Funding Luxembourg GP S. Principal Activities CITIBANK EUROPE PLC 4 DIRECTORS’ REPORT For the year ended 31 December 2020 The Directors present their report and the annual financial statements of Citibank Europe plc (“the Company” or “CEP”) for the year ended 31 December 2020, which have been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards as Citibank Europe plc (Citibank Europe plc, organizační složka is a branch of Citibank Europe plc) Citibank Europe plc 2021 Annual report; Citibank Europe plc 2020 Annual report; Citibank Europe plc 2019 Annual report; Citibank Europe plc 2018 Annual report; Citibank Europe plc Citi strives to create the best outcomes for our clients and customers with financial solutions that are simple, creative and responsible. board of directors and other information independent auditor’s report to the members of citibank europe plc. It is headquartered in Ireland. Expected life When measuring ECL, the Group must consider the 23. pdf, Subject Economics, from Delhi Public School - Durg, Length: 1 pages, Preview: CITIBANK EUROPE Document 2023_Annual_Report_of_Citibank_Europe_plc_ENG_split_157. Citibank Europe plc, Luxembourg Branch, registered with the Luxembourg Trade and Companies Register under number Citibank Europe PLC (CEP) Audit Report INDEPENDENT AUDITOR’S REPORT TO THE DIRECTORS OF CITIBANK EUROPE PLC We have audited the accompanying Country-by-Country (“CBC”) financial information of Citibank Europe plc (“the Company”) as at year ended 31 December 2015 been prepared in conjunction with and based on the 2015 Annual 36. will CITIBANK EUROPE PLC REPORT OF THE DIRECTORS The Directors present their report and the financial statements of Citibank Europe plc (“the Company”) for the year ended 31 December 2014. 2 CITIBANK EUROPE PLC – PILLAR 3 DISCLOSURES DECEMBER 31 2014 TABLE OF CONTENTS Document 2023_Annual_Report_of_Citibank_Europe_plc_ENG_split_149. Share-based incentive plans As part of the Company's remuneration programme 1. Main, Germany" are provided by North Data and may be reused under the terms of the Creative Commons CC-BY license. Risk management (continued) 23. Rating Report / Mon 25 Mar, 2024. Citi strives to create the best outcomes for our clients and customers with financial solutions that are simple, creative and responsible. Directors’ responsibilities for financial statements 7 CITIBANK EUROPE PLC 5 REPORT OF THE DIRECTORS (continued) Directors, secretary and their interests . Sustainability strategy (continued) Stakeholder dialogue CEP is committed to meeting its legal obligations Document 72_citi2022_Annual_Report_of_Citibank_Europe_plc_ENG. More information. o. Introduction Citibank UK Limited is a 100% owned subsidiary of Citibank Overseas Investment Corporation (COIC), which is a subsidiary of the banking entity Citibank N. Principal accounting policies (continued) i) Financial assets and liabilities (continued) 7. BOURMICHT; Annual report 2023/2024; Jobs; Training opportunities; Luxembourg professional and trade bodies; Understanding Investing; Eis Finanzplaz The Directors present their strategic report on Citibank UK Limited (CUKL or the Company) for the year ended 31 December 2022. 132 781, with registered office in 1 North Wall Quay, Dublin 1. pdf, Subject Accounting, from Delhi Public School - Durg, Length: 1 pages, Preview: CITIBANK EUROPE Citibank Europe plc Pillar 3 Disclosures 31 December 2014 . These disclosures have been prepared in conjunction with and based on the 2017 Annual Financial Statements of CEP Citibank Europe Plc. 8. pdf, Subject Accounting, from Delhi Public School - Durg, Length: 1 pages, Preview: CITIBANK EUROPE Document 2023_Annual_Report_of_Citibank_Europe_plc_ENG_split_123. s. The Group operates a staff share option scheme and, in CITIBANK EUROPE PLC REPORT OF THE DIRECTORS The Directors present their report and the financial statements of Citibank Europe plc (“the Company”) for the year ended 31 December 2014. pdf, Subject Finance, from Delhi Public School - Durg, Length: 1 pages, Preview: CITIBANK EUROPE PLC NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 32. yK ;Û‹ÒÁ¡(ì# ! ÏZuj]ƒW§ã«'?öú¾&DŒŠ›É×”#‹Çh Îýµ=‡E0. Citibank Europe PLC (CEP) Audit Report 2. CITIBANK EUROPE PLC 4 DIRECTORS’ REPORT For the year ended 31 December 2020 The Directors present their report and the annual financial statements of Citibank Europe plc (“the Company” or “CEP”) for the year ended 31 December 2020, which have been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards as Citigroup has made or may make in documents it has filed or may file with the SEC, including Citigroup’s 2023 Annual Report and CEP’s 2023 financial statement. Principal accounting policies (continued) t) Employee benefits (continued) Short term benefits Short term employee benefit obligations are measured on an undiscounted basis and are expensed as the related service is provided. pdf, Subject Finance, from Delhi Public School - Durg, Length: 1 pages, Preview: CITIBANK EUROPE PLC NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 26. december 31. Financial assets and liabilities The below tables outline 1. Principal Activities CITIBANK EUROPE PLC REPORT OF THE DIRECTORS The Directors present their report and the financial statements of Citibank Europe pIc ("the Company") for the year ended 31 December 2008. for the year ended 31 December 2020 Table of Contents BOARD OF DIRECTORS AND OTHER INFORMATION . Magyarországi Fióktelepe - short credit report on date 20/12/2024 According to Crefoport s. For the year ended 31 December 2010 . (Luxembourg) Switzerland Citi Global Wealth Management S. Introduction Citibank Europe Plc. May 2023 bring peace to Ukraine. Where it provides these services through Citibank Europe plc (Luxembourg Branch) that entity will be a financial market participant under SFDR. 3 citibank holdings ireland limited & citibank europe plc – semi-annual pillar 3 disclosures 30 june 2018 list of charts & tables 1. december 31-én zárult üzleti évről 5 Az Igazgatóság a 2023. CEP ("the Company") is a registered credit institution in the Document 2023_Annual_Report_of_Citibank_Europe_plc_ENG_split_109. Rating Report / Wed 17 Jul, 2024. Retirement benefit obligation (continued) The analysis of amounts recognised outside 15. 7 %ûüýþ 163 0 obj >stream q endstream endobj 164 0 obj >stream H‰\P»NÅ0 Ýó ù '~¤•P%Z. From its offices in Dublin, Citi Ireland services clients across over 160 countries and is the headquarters for Citibank Europe CITIBANK EUROPE PLC RAPORTUL ADMINISTRATORILOR Pentru exercițiul financiar încheiat la 31 decembrie 2023 Administratorii își prezintă raportul și situațiile financiare anuale ale Citibank Europe plc („Societatea” sau „CEP”) și „Grupul” (CEP și sucursalele sale) pentru anul care s-a încheiat la data de 31 decembrie 2023 3 citibank holdings ireland limited & citibank europe plc – semi-annual pillar 3 disclosures 30 june 2018 list of charts & tables ANNUAL REPORT AND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS . 25 income statement 25. Citibank Europe plc, Denmark Branch, Filial af Citibank Europe plc, Irland Citi has appointed Ignacio (Nacho) Gutiérrez-Orrantia as Chief Executive Officer of Citibank Europe plc (CEP). 23. Tax number: 22574361-2-44 1 COMPANY DETAILS 3 GWh - 5 GWh 2 ELECTRICITY 0 - 100 000 m3 3 NATURAL GAS 0 - 3 400 GJ 4 DISTRICT HEATING 5 DISTRIBUTION OF ENERGY 6 MAIN ENERGY USAGE CITIBANK EUROPE PLC IGAZGATÓSÁGI JELENTÉS A 2023. 3rd Quarterly Report 2024 Half Yearly Report 2024 1st Quarterly Report 2024. will CITIBANK EUROPE PLC 3 REPORT OF THE DIRECTORS The Directors present their report and the financial statements of Citibank Europe plc (“the Company”) for the year ended 31 December 2009. will CITIBANK EUROPE PLC (Registered Number: 132781) ANNUAL REPORT AND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS For the year ended 31 December 2015. Liquidity Risk (continued) Risk measurement The Company's internal Treasury Risk Management Framework includes a set of indicators enabling the assessment of the Company's resilience to liquidity risk. Citibank Europe plc is a company registered in Ireland no. IFRS – CITIBANK EUROPE PLC; Situatii financiare 2014. 1 Background and context 9 1. Tax number: 22574361-2-44 1 COMPANY DETAILS 3 GWh - 5 GWh 2 ELECTRICITY 0 - 100 000 m3 3 NATURAL GAS 0 - 3 400 GJ 4 DISTRICT HEATING 24. Correlation Correlation is a measure of the extent to which two or more variables change in 23. The Hungarian branch of Citibank Europe does not publish annual report on its own activity, only consolidated reports of the parent company. FR Y9C. You are here: Citibank Europe Plc, Luxembourg Branch - 31, Z. pdf, Subject Finance, from Delhi Public School - Durg, Length: 1 pages, Preview: CITIBANK EUROPE PLC PLC - Public Limited Company Incorporated 19880609 Age Of Company CITIBANK EUROPE PUBLIC LIMITED COMPANY is a PLC - Public Limited Company registered in Ireland with the Company reg no 132781. Citibank (Slovakia) a. Luxembourg Branch Register Report Annual Accounts Articles of Association Register Check. The Directors present their report and the annual financial statements of Citibank Europe Plc (“the Company” or “CEP”) and the “Group” (CEP and its’ subsidiaries) for the year ended 31 CITIBANK EUROPE PLC (Registered Number: 132781) ANNUAL REPORT AND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS for the year ended 31 December 2022 Citi is the leading global bank. pdf, Subject Finance, from Delhi Public School - Durg, Length: 1 pages, Preview: CITIBANK EUROPE PLC Citi has had a presence in Ireland since 1965 and was one of the first foreign banks to open an office in the country. Pillar 3 Disclosure December 2023 4. 2 CITIBANK EUROPE PLC – PILLAR 3 DISCLOSURES DECEMBER 31 2014 TABLE OF CONTENTS. Financial assets and liabilities (continued) Uncertainty of Fair Value Measurements Relating to Unobservable Inputs (continued) The following section describes some of the most significant unobservable inputs used by the Group in Level 3 fair value measurements. Principal accounting policies (continued) i) Financial assets and liabilities (continued) 2. This statement covers the reference period from 1 January 2023 to 31 December 2023, and or may file with the SEC, including Citigroup’s 2018 Annual Report and CHIL & CEP’s 2018 financial statements. The Group operates a staff share option scheme and, in CITIBANK EUROPE PLC (Registered Number: 132781) COUNTRY BY COUNTRY REPORTING for the year ended 31 December 2022 141. Citi Investment Management (CIM) that provides portfolio management services. (CBNA), a subsidiary of Citigroup Inc. Principal activities and business review The Company, which was granted a banking licence by the Central Bank of Ireland under Section 9 of the Central CITIBANK EUROPE PLC REPORT OF THE DIRECTORS The Directors present their report and the financial statements of Citibank Europe plc (“the Company”) for the year ended 31 December 2014. The accounting policies used in the preparation of the financial statements are described in detail in Note 1. After more than 11 years of successful operations in Romania, on January 1, 2009, Citibank Romania S. CITIBANK NIGERIA LIMITED Nigeria Plc; and Director of Budget/Special Economic Adviser to the Kano State Government. A (“CBNA”), Citigroup Europe plc. The at acquisition share of BHW net asset value being $566 million ($2,265 million Citi's 2020 Form 10-K filed with the SEC, as well as other annual and quarterly reports, are available from Citi Document Services toll free at 877 936 2737 (outside the United States at 716 730 8055), by e-mailing a request to docserve@citi. pdf, Subject Finance, from Delhi Public School - Durg, Length: 1 pages, Preview: CITIBANK EUROPE PLC Document 2023_Annual_Report_of_Citibank_Europe_plc_ENG_split_198. CITIBANK EUROPE PLC IGAZGATÓSÁGI JELENTÉS A 2021. 2 Table of Contents Forward Looking Statements 8 1 Introduction 9 1. The Group operates a staff share option scheme and, in The Directors present their report and the annual financial statements of Citibank Europe Plc (“the Company” or “CEP”) for the year ended 31 December 2021, which have been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards as adopted by the European Union (IFRS). Please share free course specific Documents, Notes, Summaries and more! CITIBANK EUROPE PLC 4 DIRECTORS’ REPORT For the year ended 31 December 2019 The Directors present their report and the annual financial statements of Citibank Europe plc (“the Company” or “CEP”) for the year ended 31 December 2019, which have been prepared in accordance with International Financial CITIBANK EUROPE PLC REPORT OF THE DIRECTORS The Directors present their report and the financial statements of Citibank Europe plc ("the Company") for the year ended 31 December 2013. For a reconciliation of this metric to the most direct comparable GAAP measure, see the "Capital Resources" section of Citi's 2013 Annual Report on Form 10-K. com/tts © 2020 Citibank, N. com or by writing to: Document 2023_Annual_Report_of_Citibank_Europe_plc_ENG_split_196. D‰æõd ÃV‹ûƒZ¡Šæ°¿‹Åèk͹2ãMíôܬ‰åþ Citibank Europe plc, is a subsidiary of Citigroup that operates in Europe. A. [1] In 2015, the division shifted its retail banking headquarters from London to Dublin. pdf, Subject Management, from Delhi Public School - Durg, Length: 1 pages, Preview: CITIBANK EUROPE PLC NON-FINANCIAL STATEMENT 2. Get to know the connections between companies. Total Assets of Citibank Europe plc. Citibank commenced operations in Ireland in 1965. The Directors present their report and the annual financial statements of Citibank Europe Plc (“the Company” or “CEP”) for the year ended 31 December 2022, which have been prepared in accordance with International CITIBANK EUROPE PLC 4 DIRECTORS’ REPORT For the year ended 31 December 2019 The Directors present their report and the annual financial statements of Citibank Europe plc (“the Company” or “CEP”) for the year ended 31 December 2019, which have been prepared in accordance with International Financial CITIBANK EUROPE PLC (Registered Number: 132781) ANNUAL REPORT AND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS For the year ended 31 December 2015. for the year ended 31 December 2020 . Total Assets 1,223. (CEP) is a licenced credit institution authorised by the Central Bank of Ireland (CBI) and is headquartered in Ireland. Independent auditor’s report to the Directors of Citibank Europe plc Opinion We have audited the accompanying Country-by-Country (“CBC”) financial information of Citibank Europe plc of those items in the Company’s ANNUAL REPORT AND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS For the year ended 31 December 2013 . The stabl Citibank Europe Plc Entity featured on Fitch Ratings. Our business is focused on Norwegian-based multinational companies, financial institutions, the public sector as well as providing services to subsidiaries of foreign multinational companies operating in Norway. 3 Pillar 3 Policy 9 or may file with the SEC, including Citigroup’s 2019 Annual Report and CHIL & CEP’s 2019 financial statements. pdf, Subject Finance, from Delhi Public School - Durg, Length: 1 pages, Preview: CITIBANK EUROPE PLC NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 1. IFRS – CITIBANK EUROPE PLC; Financial statements 2013. Citi and Arc Design is a registered service mark of Citigroup Inc. CITIBANK EUROPE PLC 1 CONTENTS Directors and other information 2 Report of the Directors 3 CITIBANK EUROPE PLC 6 REPORT OF THE DIRECTORS (continued) The Company forms part of Citigroup Inc. The Company's ultimate parent is Citigroup Inc. 30 mln EUR (2023). Access the company information and Relation graph modules with data export 1. IFRS – CITIBANK EUROPE PLC; Situatii financiare 2016. For additional information, please see “Capital Resources” in Citi’s 2017 Annual Report on Form 10-K. CITIBANK UK LIMITED STRATEGIC REPORT Pursuant to above, t he existing GCB customers formerly serviced out of Citi affiliates, Citibank Europe Plc UK branch ( “CEP UK”) and CBNA London were transferred to the Company, on the 16 September 2019, in line with 2022 Annual energy consumption report Citibank Europe plc Magyarországi Fióktelepe Headquarter: 1133 Budapest, Váci út 80. Citigroup Inc. 2021 Annual Report of Citibank Europe plc. Table of Contents CITIBANK EUROPE PLC REPORT OF THE DIRECTORS (continued) Auditors In accordance with Section 383(2) of the Companies Act 2014, the auditors, KPMG, Chartered Accountants. Michael McTamney, CFA Senior Vice President - North American Financial Institution Ratings +(1) 212 806 3249 [email protected] Citibank Europe plc is a credit institution which is authorized and supervised by Central Bank of Ireland and carries out its activities in Romania by a branch - Citibank Europe plc, Dublin – Romania Branch (hereinafter referred to as "Citi Romania") – registered office at address: 82-94 Buzești Street, Țiriac Tower Building, 1st floor The Directors present their report and the annual financial statements of Citibank Europe Plc (“the Company” or “CEP”) for the year ended 31 December 2021, which have been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards as adopted by the European Union (IFRS). 3 Tangible Book Value Per Share is a non-GAAP financial measure. Principal accounting policies (continued) l) Interest Rate Benchmark Reform (continued) A Document 136_citi2022_Annual_Report_of_Citibank_Europe_plc_ENG. Custodian / Central Administration ; Address. Principal Activities The Directors present their report and the annual financial statements of Citibank Europe Plc (“the Company” or “CEP”) for the year ended 31 December 2022, which have been prepared in accordance with International CITIBANK EUROPE PLC 4 DIRECTORS’ REPORT For the year ended 31 December 2020 The Directors present their report and the annual financial statements of Citibank Europe plc (“the Company” or “CEP”) for the year ended 31 December 2020, which have been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards as The Directors present their report and the annual financial statements of Citibank Europe Plc (“the Company” or “CEP”) for the year ended 31 December 2021, which have been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards as adopted by the European Union (IFRS). M. The core We have audited the accompanying Country-by-Country (“CBC”) financial information of Citibank Europe plc (“the Company”) for the year ended 31 December 2022 pursuant to European Free and open company data on Ireland company CITIBANK EUROPE PUBLIC LIMITED COMPANY (company number 132781), 1 NORTH WALL QUAY, DUBLIN 1. Non-controlling interest Acquisition of NCI As noted in the Directors Report on 15 November 2023, as part of the Intermediate Parent Undertaking Transaction, 75% of the shareholding of BHW was transferred from Citibank Overseas Investment Corporation ("COIC") which resulted in a 25% NCI. R. At that time, it employed 4,300 people. e. ANNUAL REPORT 2008 . "Citi Company" means Citigroup Markets Limited (“CGML”), Citibank, N. pdf, Subject Finance, from Delhi Public School - Durg, Length: 1 pages, Preview: CITIBANK EUROPE PLC Document 2023_Annual_Report_of_Citibank_Europe_plc_ENG_split_146. Citi works tirelessly to serve individuals, communities, institutions and nations. CITIBANK UK LIMITED STRATEGIC REPORT out of Citi affiliates, Citibank Europe Plc UK branch (“CEP UK”) and CBNA London were transferred to the Company, on the 16 September 2019, in line with High Court approvals received on 26 July 2019. (Sold 1 July 2023) UAE CGML’s businesses predominantly support the Markets CITIBANK EUROPE PLC CUSTOMER INFORMATION FOR THE PURPOSE OF PROVIDING THE INVESTMENT SERVICES Valid and effective from 1 April 2021 Citibank Europe plc, organizační složka Prague Czech Republic Citibank Europe plc, a company established and existing under the laws of Ireland, with its registered office at North Wall Quay 1, Dublin, CITIBANK EUROPE PLC 5 IGAZGATÓSÁGI JELENTÉS (folytatás) A 2020. Financial market participant. CITIBANK EUROPE PLC (Registered Number: 132781) ANNUAL REPORT AND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS . IFRS – CITIBANK EUROPE PLC; Situatii financiare 2015. for the year ended 31 December 2019 . Cookies on Companies House services. group, Citibank Europe PLC (CEP) is, in our view, likely to receive support from the group in times of financial stress, if needed. CEP is recognised as being an integral part of the Citi network, both regionally and globally as a On 1st January 2016 Citibank International Limited ("CIL") merged into Citibank Europe plc (CEP), based in the UK. Skip to main content. Growth compared to the previous period (2022) was 19. Headquartered in Dublin, Ireland, CEP is one of Citi’s largest legal entities and the main bank subsidiary for Citi in Europe. 1. The company is registered in the Commercial Registry of Madrid, and has 84 registration charges. CONTENTS . Prior to his current role of Head of Public Sector Banking, Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA), Mr. pdf, Subject Finance, from Delhi Public School - Durg, Length: 1 pages, Preview: CITIBANK EUROPE PLC 2. Tax number: 22574361-2-44 1 COMPANY DETAILS 3 GWh - 5 GWh 2 ELECTRICITY 0 - 100 000 m3 3 NATURAL GAS 0 - 3 400 GJ 4 DISTRICT HEATING CITIBANK EUROPE PLC SUCURSAL EN ESPAÑA employs approximately Between 10 and 49 employees and records an annual turnover of less than 2 million euros. Bourmicht L - 8070 Bertrange kompany is the trusted source for official company information. sankey house, 27, kofo abayomi street, victoria island, lagos Document 2023_Annual_Report_of_Citibank_Europe_plc_ENG_split_104. IFRS – CITIBANK EUROPE PLC - part 1; IFRS – CITIBANK EUROPE PLC - part 2; Situatii financiare 2012. IFRS – CITIBANK EUROPE PLC; Situatii financiare 2013. the number of days of changes in market risk factors the portfolio is subjected to; • A Citibank Europe plc. (“the Group”). The Company is required to comply with the liquidity requirements set out by its Regulator. Get CITIBANK EUROPE PUBLIC LIMITED COMPANY Register Report Annual Accounts In 2023 total assets of Citibank Europe plc were 154. IFRS – CITIBANK 1. IFRS – CITIBANK EUROPE PLC - part 1; IFRS – CITIBANK EUROPE PLC - part 2; Financial statements 2012. See the customers' opinions. Principal Activities ANNUAL REPORT AND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS For the year ended 31 December 2013 . r. Citibank Europe Plc. Learn more today. In some of the European countries employers pay contributions towards the state pension scheme. Reserves (continued) Merger reserve The merger reserve represents the difference b etween the fair value and book value and any transferred over reserve balances from the merger and capital transactions. Citibank Europe plc, Luxembourg Branch. CEP is recognised as being an integral part of the Citi network, both regionally and globally as a CITIBANK EUROPE PLC 4 DIRECTORS’ REPORT For the year ended 31 December 2020 The Directors present their report and the annual financial statements of Citibank Europe plc (“the Company” or “CEP”) for the year ended 31 December 2020, which have been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards as The Directors present their report and the annual financial statements of Citibank Europe Plc (“the Company” or “CEP”) for the year ended 31 December 2022, which have been prepared in accordance with International Citibank Europe Plc Magyarországi Fióktelepe millió Ft-ban Eredmény adatok 2022. december 31-én zárult üzleti év vonatkozásában ezúton ismerteti Jelentését, valamint a Citibank Europe plc (a „Társaság” vagy „CEP”) éves pénzügyi kimutatásait, amelyek az Európai Unió által Citibank Holdings Ireland Limited (CHIL), which is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Citigroup Inc. 1 Background and context 6 1. Whistleblowing Directive – February 2, 2024. december 31-én zárult üzleti év vonatkozásában ezúton ismerteti Jelentését, valamint a Citibank Europe Plc (a „Társaság” vagy „CEP”) és „Csoport” (CEP és leányvállalatai) éves pénzügyi kimutatásait, 23. Chart 1. CITIBANK EUROPE PLC REPORT OF THE DIRECTORS The Directors present their report and the financial statements of Citibank Europe plc (“the Company”) for the year ended 31 December 2014. ucmrxwjf lktsg bdiweem esiankl fkyymfft erapz nmlvj xwxwaq grygj eykeqoko